Hi guys,
I hope you are doing good and that July and summer/winter are treating you well.
I went on an unexpected holiday last week. Unexpected as I usually book them a few months in advance but this one I booked 10 days before. My mom was supposed to come over but she is having a streak of bad luck at the moment, so she thought something would happen before she could come over. It kind of happened anyway as she caught a bug just before I arrived and spent the week recovering. It was good for me as it allowed me to do strictly nothing the whole time I was there. I read a little bit, I wrote a little bit and mostly, I rested while watching the olympics. It was very inspiring and some of the sports looked like a lot of fun, like the hammer, to the point where I put a shoe in a plastic bag and tried throwing it in my mum’s garden. She wasn’t pleased but I had a lot of fun.
Writing update: I did start on Jack and Thibault’s new take on book 2 last week. I wrote about 600 words long hand. I didn’t write anything else. I am still quite blocked. So, going forward the blog posts will be mainly about general updates and reading updates. I will try to expend on those, making them what I intended them to be in the first place, more reviews than just updates. I’ll put writing updates when I reach significant milestones. In between, if you want to know more, you can always send me an email. I am going to change the newsletter format as well and send an update every two months, and I will keep the writing updates in there. Every two months will be a lot less taxing on my anxiety riddled brain.
Reading update: I hit a bit of a book slump, or more of a ‘want to do nothing, not even read’ kind of stage in my anxiety/depression journey, but I did read a bit in the past two weeks.
Rules of play (The script club 2) by Lane Hayes: This was a fun romance with clueless, attaching characters who get in over their heads, thinking they are just not good enough for the other. It was sweet, had me shed a little tear and laugh a lot. And the hot scenes are HOT.
Coming out of his shell (CREA book 6) by J.D. Light: I love the books by J.D. Light, paranormal, contemporary, MPREG or not. They are short and sweet, they touch on heavy subjects but still make you swoon with wonderful characters, very hot scenes, and love pouring out of the page. They are like a big hug to me and I devour them as soon as they come out, or when I need something soothing.
Sink or Swim (Relic book 2) by Maz Maddox: This was a fun read. Grumpy and sunshine, hate at first sight. The push and pull between the two characters was a lot of fun to read. I really enjoyed the action scenes. And I mean, dinosaurs, what more could you ask for? Add in the hot scenes, the slow discovery of feelings and the way they fight for each other and it was an amazing read.
King and Queen (Relic book 3) by Maz Maddox: Out of the series, I think this might be my favourite one so far. It was crazy, fun, full of sweet moments between the two characters. The others make an appearance as well. I loved the nerdy references, the trust and chemistry between the two leads from the start. And the last twenty percent were fun and absolutely epic.
Jaywalking (Instep book 1) by Rachel Ember: I was lucky enough to get to read this book before it was published (it comes out today). It was a slightly angsty book, with a trope I usually don’t read (college professor/student), but I really enjoyed it. The characters were both attaching in their own ways, with flaws that resonated with me. The way their story unfolds, was sweet, fun and heartbreaking in turns. But when they give in, oh boy, is it hot. Very well written, take a look, it’s worth it.
And I wanted to end this post on a big THANK YOU, to everyone who has read and taken the time to review/rate my book. I have reached 50 ratings on Amazon and I never thought I would one day get so many, especially on my debut book.
Enjoy your week guys,
Ps: Picture is of one of the mountains we can see from the window of my mom’s place at sunset on Saturday
